Alan reviews the Complete Savings programme

Alan is a Complete Savings cashback programme member who uses it regularly. He was happy to answer a few questions about how he uses his membership to save money!

My review of Complete Savings

Alan is a Complete Savings member who uses the cashback programme to save money on his online shopping“I order regularly from my favourite stores and have the satisfaction of knowing that I get the added bonus of cash back. The variety of shops and merchandise through Complete Savings is excellent. There is a great choice of stores and products and it is easy to use the website. A very worthwhile membership.” ~ Alan

What made you choose to join Complete Savings?

“Complete savings offers a really easy way to make online purchases with the added bonus of saving money at the same time. The site offers a great choice of products from all the widely known brands. For me the 10% cash back from Appliance Deals* was a big cash back item. As I work long hours, internet shopping is a need for me and as particularly with Christmas time lurking the range of stores and products through Complete Savings is brilliant. Perfumes, DVDs, CDs,  clothes and many gifts are available at a touch of a button.”

How much cashback have you received in total?

“On a single transaction I have received over £85 in cashback. Since joining in  April 2012 I have saved over £375 in cash back and monthly bonuses and have more to follow.”

I would recommend the Complete Savings cashback programme because...If you are interested in saving money through your online shopping, as well as getting 20% off popular gift cards, then head over to the Complete Savings cashback programme site to enjoy 30 days free membership! After the 30 days, there is a fee. You can cancel any time.

*Please note retailers, discounts and offers in the Complete Savings programme are updated often and are subject to change, so visit the Complete Savings website regularly to get the most out of your membership.

Alan A. was invited to give feedback through a survey sent to active programme members.

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