Complete Savings Survey Testimonial: James C.

In our series of member reviews, James has provided his Complete Savings testimonial, in which he reviews the cashback process and the discounted gift cards.

Complete Savings testimonial by James C.“I use Complete Savings for gift cards & cash back on various websites. I’m not a big shopper but in the past as an example I have purchased hotel rooms via cash back links, which made a small amount of money that helped to make the holiday cheaper. As well as the monthly bonus. It’s simple, straight forward and allows me to make money on items I buy. It’s a win win situation! I have mentioned it to a few people and I believe they have signed up, as I have stated it’s a win win if they do it correctly. The website is very fluent and works well. It’s easy to use and is very easy to find shops and categories that I want.”

What made you choose to join Complete Savings?

“After I booked a coach ticket on a train ticket website an offer came up to get; I believe £10 back. I was busy at the time so I saved the link and then I reviewed it later and decided to sign up. Especially since it increased on the actual website to £15 cash back. I understood that after signing up I could cancel any time so initially I thought I would cancel in about one month’s time or so. I decided to keep it running a bit longer than planned as the cash back offers were very good at majority 10%, which I was starting to benefit from. Though the monthly fee put me off a bit I did a yearly calculation to see if I would lose or profit from staying a member. The big bonus was that if I submit a receipt every month for a purchase then I could get a monthly cheque which in effect pays for the monthly membership. So providing I near automate the way I run my membership it won’t cost me anything and I will only benefit from the cash back on the site as well as the mega 20% discount on buying gift vouchers. Which in effect is like going to literally any high street shop and getting a 20% discount on top of any other promotions or discounts the retailer is offering as I’m buying with gift vouchers that I previously bought at 20% discount.”

James C. - a Complete Savings testimonial about saving cashback

Please give an example where you’ve saved money

“I purchased a flight and hotel online, via a Complete Savings link. I first purchased the flight which was a Norwegian airlines flight for £122.64 then I chose the hotel for me and a friend. My hotel was €201.04/£164.85p approx. My friend’s hotel was €171.50/£135.54p approx. I did use the site for both items as I could get the cash back awarded on both. By booking my friends hotel on the site as well I made a small commission for organising it for him. The total cash back I made by doing this was £42.29.”A testimonial for the Complete Savings programme completesave

How much has you saved with Complete Savings?

“This is hard to say exactly, however going upon the lifetime balance information I have received over £400 in cashback, and possibly £360 in monthly bonuses (which covers the monthly fees) and saved over £300 on gift cards over the 3 years I have been a Complete Savings member. (This is based upon a quick rough calculation for 3 whole years). The savings all do really add up. 🙂

“I would recommend the Complete Savings programme because after taking a second look I could make some real savings on big & small purchases. From insurance products to day to day items that I buy…

…It’s not just a money saver… It’s a money maker!”


We hope you enjoyed James’ review of the Complete Savings programme! If you are interested in trying it out, you can sign up on the website here. Membership is free for 30 days, after which there is a monthly fee. To join, you will be required to provide the following:

  • your name
  • your email address, entered twice
  • your postal address
  • a new password
  • your credit or debit card details, for the monthly fee

Read more about the membership benefits. Or read a Complete Savings testimonial.

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